Moving Research to Realization for Surface Transportation
Welcome to the Center for the Commercialization of Innovative Transportation Technology. CCITT's mission is to foster the commercialization or implementation of innovative technologies for multiple modes of surface transportation including, but not limited to, railways, mass transit, highways and waterways.

The 2012 Annual CCITT Report is now available. more...

Charlotte Frei, Fourth-Year PhD Student, (pictured with director Johnson) selected as CCITT 2012 Student of the Year more...

A team of McCormick School of Engineering seniors were awarded an Honorable Mention in the 2012 INFORMS Undergraduate Operations Research Prize Competition. Led by CCITT investigators, Dr. Jennifer Chan and Professor Irina Dolinskaya, undergraduates Brandon Zhang, Alex Huang, Alex Yue Ma, Sara L Schmidt, and Nancy Xu, received the award for their design project: "Integration of Real Time Data in Urban Search and Rescue." The paper resulted from their project that aimed to quantify the benefits of real time data--specifically text messages (SMS) from disaster affected Haitian communities, and live maps from Port-au-Prince, Haiti--following a natural disaster. more...

The McCormick School of Engineering’s NUvention Energy curriculum has selected CCITT faculty affiliate Pablo Durango-Cohen’s project, “A Framework for Estimating Emissions of Freight Transport Operations” for its winter quarter class. A cross-disciplinary group of students will develop a business model and commercialization strategy for Professor Durango-Cohen’s emissions estimation tool. NUvention Energy gives students interested in innovation, entrepreneurship, and the sustainable energy field the opportunity to investigate emerging technology that will increasingly be required to deal with climate change. more...

Luis de la Torre, Fourth-Year PhD Student in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Selected as CCITT 2011 Student of the Year more...

CCITT Director Bret Johnson Co-Chaired the Workshop "Improving the Customer Experience in Travel and Transportation Using Information Technology" more...